Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lights, Camera, LIVE!!!

We got to do the news live today and I am so glad we did. I always seem to perform better under pressure, and by the way we performed today, I think everyone in our class does too.
First, we met in the classroom and showed Professor Schroeder our logs and she gave out some very informational hand outs about the market sizes and demo reels. We briefly talked about these packets and she informed us how to make a good demo tape. Then Professor Schroeder showed us a couple of her demo tapes and one from another reporter friend of hers. It made me really excited to start on my demo reel.
Then we went to the station and started rehearsing for our live newscast. Jen and I anchored, Mike did sports and Beth did weather. Jen and I have done the news live before, so I give props to Beth and Mike because they have never done it. I thought they did a great job.
I definitely tried to apply the corrections that Professor Schroeder coached me on, but I am afraid that if I start to correct them all at one time I will get too frustrated with myself, so instead, I am working on one at a time. Today, I worked on breathing from my stomach and it worked wonders. Even though I was not exactly thinking of not punching my words, breathing through my stomach helped that too because my voice sounded lower to begin with.
The live news went fairly smoothly and I am very glad that we had the opportunity to do that today.

1 comment:

Jen said...

You did a great job!